The Coalition of American Mechanical and Electrical Engineers (CAMEE) represents mechanical/electrical engineering firms, providing a much-needed forum for improving your firm’s bottom line with improved business practices, reduced professional liability, and increased profitability. CAMEE is the gateway to business excellence in MEP engineering. They deliver information and programs that address the unique needs of MEP firms to help them succeed.
- Membership in CAMEE is open to all ACEC member firms especially those in the MEP field.
- Like your ACEC membership, the Coalition membership is firm based, which allows all the members of your firm access to member benefits.
- If your firm participates in the ACEC Business Insurance Trust (BIT) program, the Trustees will pay a portion, if not all your coalition membership dues for every year your firm is a part of the program.
Member Feedback
Joe Harvey
Our firm has received more value from CAMEE, the ACEC Coalition specifically created to support Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering Firms, than any other organization with respect to improved business practices, reduced professional liability, and increased profitability.
JP Harvey Engineering Solutions
Hampton, Virginia