ACEC’s Political Action Committee (PAC) Champions, under the rules of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), oversee the recruitment of ACEC/PAC supporters in their state Member Organizations to support federal Congressional candidates. The PAC Champions are selected for annual terms with one serving as chairman. Champions approve the criteria for fund allocation and overall fundraising programs to meet their state’s annual fundraising PAC goal. ACEC/PAC works in conjunction with ACEC’s legislative program to elect and keep pro-business members of Congress in office that support the interests of the engineering industry and create an improved business environment for ACEC members.
2024-25 Goals
- Review - the ACEC/PAC goal for the 2023-2024 cycle. Set a reasonable goal in increasing new firm PAC participation and a modest increase in first time/new PAC contributors.
- Achieve effective participation of all M.O.s to reach their ACEC/PAC goals. MO state goals will remain the same as 2022 goals.
- Undertake additional coordinated efforts to gain participation from ACEC’s largest firms and largest states. Work closely with Committee Co-Chairs, Co-Vice Chairs, and Executive Committee Vice Chairs to conduct in-state visits with the state and PAC leadership in CO, LA, MS, WA and WY to implement specific fundraising plans to help them achieve their annual ACEC/PAC goals.
- Contact all ACEC member firms that have not yet completed the necessary “prior approval” forms to do so and solicit every eligible ACEC member firm which has given prior approval and encourage them to support ACEC/PAC giving by their employees.
- Achieve increases in the Millennium Club ($1,000) membership, Chairman’s Club ($2,500), and Capitol Club ($5,000).
- Grow ACEC’s Direct Giving programs in terms of both dollars contributed and total overall participation by ACEC members to those federal candidates on the PAC budget. Utilize the direct giving information and report to PAC Champions quarterly. Encourage all M.O.s to host at least one or more fundraising events in district/state.
- Assist and encourage M.O.s to get off to an early and successful start to show immediate results by promoting participation in the Recurring Contribution Program and asking M.O.s to add ACEC/PAC fundraising plans on their board meeting agendas.
- Encourage M.O.s that have difficulty reaching goal to name at least 2 PAC Champions and create an in-state PAC Committee and schedule quarterly PAC video meetings with ACEC PAC staff.
- Ask all state M.O.s to aspire to have 100% of their boards of directors contribute to the PAC.
- Grow the next generation (NextGen) of ACEC/PAC Advocacy by encouraging emerging leader involvement by developing potential reduced contribution levels for young professionals under 35.
- Utilize the ACEC Townhouse by inviting M.O.s to come to DC to host state congressional delegation events to help grow the profile and raise awareness of ACEC and the ACEC/PAC.
- Continually make technical improvements to improve the donor experience.