2024 Professional Liability Insurance Surveys of Member Firms
An important consideration for every engineering firm is professional liability insurance. Insurance availability, rates, types of coverage, pre-claim assistance, claim processing, and related issues all have a direct bearing on the strength and financial stability of the firm. To help ACEC members understand the current insurance landscape, the ACEC Risk Management Committee conducts an annual survey of member firms on their professional liability insurance coverage and experience.

Professional Liability Insurance Survey of Member Firms: Past Results
Click here for past Professional Liability Survey Results in our Resource Library.
Client Expectations of Perfection
The ACEC Risk Management Committee's latest papers and presentations on the disturbing trend toward client expectations of perfection in engineering services and what ACEC and its members can do about the problem.

Indemnification & Duty to Defend in Engineering Contracts
Access resources on broad form indemnification and the duty to defend in engineering contracts.
Guidelines on the Use of AI by Design Professional Firms
The suggested Guidelines have been drafted by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Risk Subcommittee of the ACEC Risk Management Committee with input from the ACEC Technology Committee to serve as information for design professional firms in their evaluation of AI. Download Guidelines >

Additional Risk Management Resources & Materials

Join the ACEC Risk Management Committee
The purpose of the Risk Management Committee is to assist member companies and others in understanding and managing risk and, on their behalf, to advocate changes in legislation and regulation to control or allocate risk properly.