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2024-25 Goals

  1. Collaborate with AASHTO and FHWA on consistent utilization of the revised Uniform Audit & Accounting Guide; promote uniform FAR compliance, clear and accurate guidance on compensation, the elimination of overhead and salary caps, and the acceptance of single cognizant audits in every state.
  2. Identify and advance shared priorities in the implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and promote those priorities in federal and state regulatory actions.
  3. Collect and analyze information on State DOT contracting practices and trends and develop best practices for addressing targeted areas of concern, including promoting more utilization of lump sum contracting and addressing cost escalation.
  4. Promote long-term, sustainable revenue sources for transportation programs, including increasing federal fuel taxes, expanded tolling authority, and transition to mileage-based user fees.
  5. Monitor impact and advocate industry priorities in emerging practices and technologies, including digital delivery, unmanned aircraft systems, and connected/automated vehicles.
  6. Collaborate on workforce development activities and programs to attract, recruit, and retain more engineers.

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