Candidates of the College of Fellows are nominated by peers through ACEC and its state member organizations for admittance based on demonstrated personal commitment, service, leadership, and enhancing the public image of the consulting engineering profession. Each candidate is evaluated and voted upon by the current Committee for inclusion based on the qualification requirements in ACEC Rules of Policies and Procedures, Articles VIII, and their anticipated continued service to ACEC and the engineering profession.
COF members are encouraged to volunteer as spokespersons for the engineering profession at local civic events, high schools and universities, and other venues that would provide opportunities to advance the profession. COF members are encouraged to use “FACEC” on their letterhead and business cards.

Fellows Application
Application for employees from ACEC member firms.

Executive Committee Application
Fellows application for current or former Executive Committee members.

Life Fellows Application
Application for the ACEC Life Fellows program.

Show Your Pride
Show your pride as an ACEC Fellow with uniquely branded clothing and gear.