For over 25 years, the Senior Executives Institute (SEI) program has turned effective executives into forward-thinking industry leaders.
In five sessions over 18 months, SEI faculty incorporate lectures and interactions with prominent policymakers and public and private sector clients; group discussions and case-study work; self-evaluation and individual work; presentations and discussions with industry leaders; and extensive reading on cutting-edge leadership and management topics from the best contemporary thinkers.
Lastly, SEI executives build strong new peer networks from which to share new ideas and draw support. The benefit of these personal relationships, forged through hard work and intense self-examination, typically thrive for years beyond the last day of class.
Only SEI focuses on business issues unique to managing and leading engineering companies.
Meet our faculty of engineering business, HR, and IT professionals who regularly work with A/E firms.
Before you commit to this executive intensive, we know you'll have questions - here are a few answers that might help.
What past graduates say
SEI works. Since the program was created, we've sent over a dozen senior leaders through it. Today, the positive impact of SEI on our firm is unmistakable in our organization, profits, and long-term focus. The training in systems thinking paid dividends for me as a leader immediately. Just that one session helped us recover our firm's entire SEI investment within a year through increased operational profits.
Lee W. Slade
SEI Class V
SEI includes five sessions for a total of 21 days over a 24-month period. Class size is limited to 30 executives.
Session 1 6 Days | YOUR VISION & THE WORLD The Changing Environment Economic Trends Public Policy Global Practice Leading a Living Company | Washington, DC |
Session 2 5 Days | YOUR PERSONAL LEADERSHIP SKILLS Relationships and Communication Self-Awareness Productive Conflict Stress Management Personal Mastery | Scottsdale, Arizona |
Session 3 5 Days | SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY & SYSTEMS THINKING Situational Leadership & Team Alignment Forces of Change Strategic Planning Balanced Scorecard & Strategy Mapping Systems Thinking Organizational Design and Structure | Boulder, Colorado |
Session 4 5 Days | ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP ISSUES New Models for Professional Practice Lean Thinking & Sustainability Transformative Work and Profound Change Team Learning & Dialogue Scenario Planning & Information Technology | San Diego, California |
Session 5 5 Days | PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Creativity & Innovation Partnering & Alliances Power & Politics Coaching and Mentoring Transitioning from SEI to Practice | Tampa/St. Pete, Florida |
Lead Faculty
Rodney C. Hoffman is co-founder and CEO of S & H Consulting, a management consulting firm with expertise in leadership development, strategic planning, change management, and business development/marketing. He is a PE in Colorado and holds a BS in Construction Engineering and an MS in Geotechnical Engineering from Iowa State University.
With more than 33 years of experience, Rod’s expertise ranges from designing small municipal projects to managing large, international airport design and construction work. Prior to starting S & H, Rod was a Senior Vice President with HDR and also served as the firm’s National Director of Strategic Planning & Acquisitions. Rod has served as Lead Faculty for SEI for many of his 17 years teaching in the program. He has served on the ACEC National Executive Committee as Senior Vice Chair, served on the National Planning Cabinet, is an ACEC Fellow, and is past Chair of the Business Resources & Education Committee. He is an active member of ACEC-Colorado, including service as President as well as chairing numerous committees.
Barb Smith, Lead Designer, is President and co-founder of S & H Consulting. She has over 30 years of experience designing and presenting leadership development, strategic planning, change management, and organizational development meetings and programs, both as an internal practitioner and external consultant, for A/E/C firms and oil and gas, retail, telecommunications, construction and non-profits companies. Barb is an active member of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), where she has served as President for her local ATD chapter, and currently serves on the national ATD board as a National Advisor for Chapters. She is a member of the International Society of Performance Improvement (ISPI) and Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Barb holds a BS from Iowa State University and an MS from the University of Nebraska in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
Building an Industry of Excellence, One Leader at a Time
Class 30 of SEI, launching September 2024, is currently full.
Click the button below to join the waitlist.
1400 L Street, NW, 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20005