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The following message was sent to ACEC members on 7/30/24 via email as part of Linda Bauer Darr’s ongoing Tuesday Letter series. To sign up for ACEC’s emails, please visit:

To the ACEC Community,

June 30 marked the end of ACEC’s fiscal year. With the year’s end, we’ve begun pulling together our Annual Report – an accounting of the progress we made against our priorities over the last 12 months and a look forward to what is on the horizon.

When Gary Raba assumed the gavel from Jay Wolverton at our Spring Convention and Legislative Summit, we were deeply involved in our campaign to address the R&D amortization issue. Simultaneously, we were restructuring the Council to tackle technology and workforce development challenges, forming new committees, and establishing the Engineering Workforce Consortium. We also enhanced the quality of our member data to make informed decisions on educational offerings and took steps to strengthen and engage our membership.

Gary took the helm as many of these initiatives were reaching critical junctures. His approach was clear: build on our successes and intensify our efforts in supporting member firms, telling our story, and fostering a climate that serves our industry’s interests.

We’re embracing his vision, especially as the Planning Cabinet reviews the strategic plan that has guided our work for the past five years. This week, the group will meet to assess the plan’s goals and objectives and review our progress. The good news is that we have made significant strides in meeting the challenges set before us. We’re making strategic investments in staffing and technology and continuing to tell the story of engineering through our Engineering and Public Works Roadshow. Our fundraising efforts are growing with every passing year and we’re hosting more Members of Congress than ever at our Hill residence. Finally, our online classes and events have seen a surge in attendance.

These accomplishments will inform the Planning Cabinet’s review, and I am confident that we can, as Gary Raba urged, double down on our current objectives to propel the Council forward.

In keeping with this forward momentum, I am pleased to announce that we have hired Jordan Baugh to fill out our water and environment advocacy needs. Jordan is a 17-year veteran of Capitol Hill, including the last three years serving as a senior policy staffer on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee under Chairman Tom Carper (D-DE). I am sure his deep connections to the elected officials and staff that matter to us both in the House and the Senate will help deepen the impact our advocacy efforts already have on Capitol Hill.

Speaking of advocacy efforts – last but certainly not least: our team has learned that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will bring up HR 7024, the House-passed tax bill that includes provisions for repealing the R&D amortization mandate. Steve Hall sent out an Action Alert earlier today urging everyone to call their Senators. I am adding my voice to that call to action. This is an opportunity to build momentum and support. The Action Alert is linked here. Please reach out today.

Our work continues.


July 31, 2024



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