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The purpose of this brief is to focus on the energy and utilities market, a part of ACEC’s award-winning Private Industry Briefs. The power market is comprised of electric, distribution, gas, and oil. Facilities in the power market are power plants (nuclear, oil, gas, coal, and wood), nuclear reactors, hydroelectric plants, thermal, and wind and solar energy facilities. The distribution sector is electrical substations, switch houses, transformers, and transmission lines. The water supply market consists of plants, wells, lines, pump stations, reservoirs and tanks and towers. This includes filtration, treatment, culverts, tunnels, water lines, and storage. The brief follows the construction definitions as provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Sections contained in this brief:

  • Top Clients
  • 5 Market Trends
  • Government Affairs Action
  • Business Development Insight
  • Hydrogen Hubs Locations
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Topic Area

Energy & Utilities, Market Intelligence


November 10, 2022

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